
Rug Repair

Rug Repair And

Rug Repair and Restoration of Oriental rugs or carpets is the pinnacle of the rug specialist services. Carpets or rugs that have been damaged through years of use or accidents can be given a new lease of life.

Our professional oriental rug and carpet repairs are invisible to the eye and will enable your valuable items to continue giving you pleasure for years to come.

Added to this, our repairs will enhance the value of your valuable rug or carpet, ensuring you a wise investment for the future.

Get in touch for a professional estimate today.

Oriental rug services Ltd antique rug antique carpet repairs cleaning valuation London specialist services for antique oriental rug services Greater London

Watch our process

Fixed Masterfully and Seamlessly

"My rug looks wonderful after a few years of mistreatment. The colours have returned their vibrant selves. There was quite a substantial rip and this was fixed masterfully and seamlessly. Customer care was brilliant and the collection and delivery process for free helps no end. Thank you and I would recommend dearly."

- London

Professional Antique rugs and carpets repair

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